Sunday, May 11, 2014

5 Things the Media and Government Won't Tell You About Boko Haram

More on who or what  Boko Haram is.

'Halal' is Arabic for 'permissible'. 'Haraam' is Arabic for 'forbidden'. 'Boko Haram' is a slogan combining the Nigerian word Boko with the Arabic word Haraam; This mixed phrase translates into English to mean roughly
'books forbidden ' or 'books are forbidden' or 'books are bad' . The sentiment expressed by this slogan is that Western (non-Muslim) education and culture is bad and should be forbidden in Muslim countries because it is
a pernicious influence on Muslim faith.

"And the actual name of the group is not Boko Haram at all; it is the Party of the People of the Sunnah for Dawah and Jihad."

 Sunnah means the 'way' or 'path'. Sunnah is a term used to is accepted Islamic practice as derived from the Qur'an and Hadith; It is the way that devout Muslims should live.

Dawah means 'summoning' or 'inviting' ; it the Arabic word used to describe Islamic preaching and proselytizing.

Jihad, of course, translates to 'struggle' in English and historically warfare against unbelievers in order to spread belief in Islam and establish the hegemony of Islamic law.

So "The Party of the People of the Sunnah for Dawah and Jihad" is a militant proselytizing group dedicated to spreading the religion of Islam by preaching and by force. Or, more to the point, by terrorizing unbelievers
into accepting Islam as the one true religion, as well as to keep practicing from straying from the 'path' and accepting non-Muslim culture and beliefs.

 Of course this is an aspect of Boko Haram that our government and news media don't want to discuss for some reason.

"The reason why I will kill you is you are infidels, you follow Democracy..Whoever follows Democracy is an infidel. This is Shekau, this is why I'm in enmity with you..You are all infidels. What makes you infidels is Democracy and constitution and western education.I therefore call on brethren in Kano to rise up and replicate the Baga attack. All these infidels we are the ones killing them. We enjoy shedding their blood. The Qur'an must be supreme, we must establish Islam in this country."

Abubakar Shekau, the leader of Boko Haram.

"I abducted your girls. I will sell them on the market, by Allah..There is a market for selling humans. Allah says I should sell."

Abubakar Shekau, the leader of Boko Haram.

By Epictetus

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