Monday, March 3, 2014

Does Russia Want Alaska Back

The answer is yes. Just like Mexico wants California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas back and the Muslims want Spain and southern Russia back. But those are all vain hopes at this point in time and ignore the reasons why they lost those lands in the first place.

In the case of Alaska, Russia was eager to sell it to the USA, because by 1867 it had become a money pit for the Czar’s government. For some 60 years previous, Russia had been making a mint from its Alaska colony by harvesting sea otter pelts to sell to wealthy Chinese for to use as trim on their silk robes. When the market for sea otter fur fell out, Alaska was no longer self-sustaining and as such Russia couldn’t afford to defend it. The Czars government decided it was better to sell it off before some rapacious naval power took it away from them. No doubt the ass-kicking the Russian Navy took from the French and British Navies during  the Crimean War (1853-56) influenced their decision process.

Well now Alaska is worth something again. Technology has advanced to the point where one can harvest the abundant oil and mineral resources in Alaska without getting killed. Not to mention the rich fisheries off the Alaskan coast. So no doubt many in Russia today are looking covetously at Alaska. Well the Russians will  just have to wait until our Leftist ruling elites weaken the country much more before they will have a realistic chance at an Alaskan Reconquista.
By Epictetus

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