Friday, March 28, 2014


Once Again Ann Coulter nails it.

“That's not insurance! It's a huge transfer of wealth from people who work for a living to those who don't, accomplished by forcing the workers to buy insurance that's not insurance. Obamacare has made actual health insurance "illegal."

If you live in America, your health insurance is going to disappear, too.

Soon ( in 2015 and/or 20160 the waivers on employer provided health care will expire (which is how most people currently get health care insurance). As a matter of fact it was even against the law for the President to issue waivers to Obama-care. Regardless, once the waivers “expire” and the law is enforced in full, it will become uneconomical for most health insurance companies to remain in business. Then health insurance as we currently know and understand it in America will disappear, to be replaced by…what?… a national health-care system managed by the federal government? At least that seems to be the Democrats’ long range plan. We’ll just have to endure who knows how many years of hell before we arrive at that utopian socialist paradise. In the meantime most investors will send their money elsewhere while the American economy undergoes this lengthy sorting-out process.

By Epictetus

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