Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Demography Is Destiny-In Crimea And In The U.S.

"The point of immigration restriction, sovereignty, and having a country to
begin with is for a group to exercise control over its own destiny. A
nation-state is the political expression of a particular people. When a
people has no identification with a state, or when they associate a state
with a different people, you get conflict, as we see in the
rapidly-dissolving polity of Ukraine. [39] A group that loses control over
the state is at the mercy of others-as the Tatars are today."

"And so too is the historic American nation-oppressed by contemptuous
rulers, looted by sneering oligarchs lusting for cheap labor, morally
attacked every day by pundits and "activists" who deny that white Americans
are a people with legitimate collective interests. Like Stalin with the
Tatars, [40] our elites flood and overwhelm us with a new people they see as
more politically reliable. [41] Just as the Tatars lost the Crimea, so too
are Americans losing the country they created. [42]"

"Of course, there's a difference. Russian conquest of the Crimea gave a new
birth to Orthodox civilization  [43]and arguably expanded the reach of the
West. But loss of control over the U.S. by the historic American nation will
mean the degeneration of the world's sole superpower into a cacophonous
Affirmative Action swamp."

"And it is easy to imagine that collapse beginning with an "American Crimea"
in the Southwest not long from now. After all, the Southwest once belonged
to Mexico, [44] as the Crimea belonged to Russia before it was given to
Ukraine. The immigrant Mexican population apparently can't even stomach the
sight of American flags in public schools without resorting to violence
[45]-and the federal government sides with the invaders [46]."

"A few decades from now (if not sooner), what do you think the results of a
referendum in Southern California would be?"

"Needless to say, any suggestion that demographic change in the American
Southwest [47] may lead to our own Crimean situation will be either
dismissed  [48]as conspiratorial  [49]or attacked  [50]as "racist." But
ignoring the facts doesn't make them go away."

"Establishment conservatives intellectuals love to talk about American
Exceptionalism-but the Gods of the Copybook Headings [51] are not stayed by
wishful thinking.  The End of History is being replaced by the Age of
Ethnopolitics-and the headlines in Sevastopol [52] may herald what's coming
to Los Angeles."

"It used to be said that politics stops at the water's edge. Now it seems,
only logic does."

By Epictetus

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