Sunday, April 20, 2014

PUNK'D: Real Grassroots Gun Safety Advocates Beat Bloomberg to the Punch and Claim "Everytown For Gun Safety" pages on Facebook

" 'Tis sport to see the engineer hoist on his own petard."

Bloomberg has spent millions in attempts to destroy the Second Amendment, but he has always failed and will always fail because the rest of the Republic sees him as the poster-child of the sort of arrogant, rich
narcissist that has so corrupted our political system. The mainstream media can scream "Koch Brothers!" (a pair of libertarian philanthropist brothers that have become boogeymen for the radical left) all day long, but what
people actually see is an angry billionaire munchkin mugging for the cameras and telling the world how they should live, according to his rules. 
"Predictably, the announcement didn't go over real well among real grassroots gun safety advocates, who quickly snatched up the Everytown for Gun Safety Facebook page and started collecting "likes" almost immediately.The main page has over 17,000 likes in just two days, there are now state pages for all 50 states, and city and community pages are cropping up too fast for anyone to keep track of them all at this point."
"Much to the dismay of  Bloomberg's cult, the emerging linked entities on Facebook are filled with posts promoting real gun safety. not the gun prohibition that Bloomberg cries for from behind his high-paid phalanx ofbodyguards that he poached from the NYPD."

This does reveal once again what anti-gun agitators like Bloomberg really mean when they talk about "gun safety" and "commonsense gun laws": i.e. guns will be "safe" when there aren't any in civilian hands and it's
"commonsense" that nobody should be allowed to own a gun. Mayor Bloomberg and his fellow travelers believe fundamentally that private gun ownership is nothing but a dangerous nuisance and so they will never stop to trying to ban guns. Don't imagine for minute that "hunting" guns are safe from the anti-gun agitators either. They may say publicly that they don't "mind" hunting, in order to placate sportsman gun owners , but that fact is they
regard hunting as barbaric and wouldn't "mind" if it was done away with either. Just give them time. That's why anti-gun activists like Bloomberg et al need to be watched and opposed constantly if we want to keep our guns.
The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.

By Epictetus

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