Saturday, April 19, 2014

Police say Man ate Pot Candy before shooting wife in Denver

Scary! First we had the case of the 19 year-old college student who jumped off a balcony and died after eating a marijuana cookie in Denver, and now this.

Back in the "olden" days of the 1970's, when I got the briefing on drugs, we were told that an overdose of marijuana could lead to a "bad trip", causing the user to experience disturbing hallucinations and suffer from paranoid delusions. However, back in the 70's that was unlikely to occur, since the marijuana commonly available in the USA back them was much weaker than the stuff on the market today. You would have had to ingest  an awful lot of pot to OD back then. Kind of like getting alcohol poisoning from drinking too much 3.2 beer; you'd probably throw it all back up long before you could ingest enough alcohol to put yourself into a coma. However, the cultivated marijuana sold today is much more potent (with a higher THC content) than the "ditch weed" sold 20 to 40 years ago. Thus the modern pot appears much easier to OD on, particularly when it's in edible form.

By Epictetus

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