Saturday, April 26, 2014

How to Tell Black People Apart by David Alan Grier

This is funny!

But seriously, Jimmy Kimmel and David Alan Grier should leave white people
alone on this matter. Like Lady Gaga, they were "born that way" and can't
help it if they can't tell people of color apart. It's called "cross race

In fact, white people even have trouble telling other white people apart.
Like CNN couldn't tell Rosie O'Donnell from Roseanne Barr (see attached

Clearly the real issue here is not that white people suck at facial
recognition, but that our society has way too many celebrities who look
alike. Hard to tell them apart under the best of circumstances, much less
remember what they did last. Clearly a needless and wasteful duplication of
effort. For example, why do we have so many late night talk shows now? The
hosts of these shows all interview the same celebrities (who all look and
act alike) and make the same snarky jokes about Republicans and
Conservatives. It seems to me we ought to start laying most of these
celebrities off and place them in more productive jobs, like welding,
waiting on tables and taking care of the elderly. At least Stephen Segal is
working part time as a cop.  And then he wears a name tag too!

By Epictetus

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