Wednesday, June 18, 2014

U.S. Defense Department studying protesters to prep for 'mass civil breakdown'

Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental...

In a question to a key project researcher that went largely unaddressed, The
Guardian raised some troubling issues: "Does the U.S. Department of Defense
see protest movements and social activism in different parts of the world as
a threat to U.S. national security? If so, why? Does the U.S. Department of
Defense consider political movements aiming for large scale political and
economic change as a national security matter? If so, why? Activism,
protest, 'political movements' and of course NGOs are a vital element of a
healthy civil society and democracy - why is it that the DoD is funding
research to investigate such issues?"

In response, Erin Fitzgerald, a key program manager and an official with the
U.S. Naval Postgraduate School, said simply - and in part - that "by better
understanding these conflicts and their causes beforehand, the Department of
Defense can better prepare for the dynamic future security environment," The
Guardian reported.

By Epictetus

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