Tuesday, June 17, 2014

AP Reporter to Obama Official: People Predicted this Would Happen if We Withdrew from Iraq



But lest we forget, we, the American People, elected Barrack Obama to the
Presidency precisely because we wanted him to end the unnecessary wars that
President Bush started  in Iraq and Afghanistan. And our President is doing
just that. He is ending American involvement in Middle Eastern affair. All
the troubles there were caused by American meddling and American greed,
after all.

"Our hyper-privileged ruling class assumes that any man can be brought to
see reason, if only we concoct the right incentives. Educated in exclusive
universities- which scorn patriots- our leaders believe that words are an
adequate substitute for action and that , anyway, we're probably to blame
for the problems bedeviling us. They're negotiations junkies, with every bit
of the junkie's narrow worldview".

Ralph Peters, "Denying Evil", Armchair General July 2014 issue.

"White man's greed drives a world in need."

Reverend Jeremiah Wright

By Epictetus

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