Thursday, June 19, 2014

Influx of Immigrant Kids is Part of the Left's Plan to Remake America

RUSH:  This is Felicia in Sarasota, Florida, as we head back to the phones.  Hi.  Great to have you here.
CALLER:  Thank you so much for taking my call.
RUSH:  You bet.
CALLER:  You're wonderful.  I listen to you all the time.  I just wanted to say, my father and mother lived through the Depression, and my father was a member of World War II and his brother was in World War II, and my parents would flip right now if they heard what was going on in this country.  I mean, seriously, with all these scandals, the VA scandalthe IRS scandal. They would just be so very upset about all this.  I was so upset the other day, I almost didn't listen to the news any longer.  There was the busing and -- oh, any goodness, it was just awful.  My parents, I wish this country understood what those people in World War II did for this country.  I grew up in a wonderful time period.
RUSH:  Here's the thing.  In fact, I touched on this yesterday.  It may serve me well to revive this piece by Peter Beinart at  Here's what you have to get your mind around, Felicia.  You're going to have to understand that it's a different world, it's a changing world, it's a changing world demographically, and it's changing with rising numbers of minorities, Hispanics, African-Americans, Native Americans.  And you are going to have to learn to see that as a new age of tolerance and social justice.  Instead of looking at it the way you obviously do. 
You look at those people as free riders and takers threatening the America you once knew.  But America's changing.  This is not the America of World War II.  It's not the America of the sixties; it's not the America of the eighties; it's not the America of the nineties; it's a brand-new one, brought to you by Barack Obama, the Democrat Party.  And what you've gotta understand is, to these people, the great America you remember was a fraud.  That was not real.  That was not real happiness.  That was the result of plunder and theft around the world, oppression.

By Epictetus

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