Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Poll: Bill Clinton Most Admired President of Past 25 Years

This why Hillary Clinton will be our next President. A lot of voters will
imagine that with Hillary we will get "Bubba" as the Co-President, President
Emeritus or whatever title one might prefer. In any event, people will
imagine that Bill Clinton will be the real power behind the throne. And
remember during the eight years of the Clinton Administration we were
prosperous. The economy was growing  and we were at peace (Sort of. At least
nobody in America was publically protesting our overseas interventions). And
everyone had a job back in the 90's and everyone's 401K was growing like a
weed. We want those good old days back!

Further, all the potential Republican nominees have been thoroughly
demonized by the Press. And the Republicans gave us nothing but war which
why we are in recession now. So Hillary , and Bill, should have clear
sailing to the Presidency, unless another messiah like Obama should seek the
Democrat  nomination.

Get ready, 'cause here comes a third term of "fundamental transformation"...

"Obama isn't worse than we thought; liberalism is worse than we thought. We
conservatives thought we had won the argument over administered bureaucracy
vs. market solutions. We were wrong. We thought we had buried Keynes for
good. We were wrong. We thought we had re-established the idea of hard
money. We were wrong. We thought political correctness was a joke. We were

"We must now confront reality. Our present ruling class of the educated
elite will always be like this. They will always try to govern with
comprehensive and mandatory administrative programs like ObamaCare for
health care and Dodd-Frank for finance. They will always think that you stop
corporate shenanigans with another Sarbanes Oxley springtime for
form-fillers. And they will always chicken out of genuine spending reform
with Keynesian cheap money and stimulus. They will always be political and
cultural bullies. Because that is who they are and that is what they do."

"The only way out of this mess is to replace the current ruling class with
another one."

By Epictetus

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