Like they say, when you’re taking “flak” it means you are over a target the enemy really wants to protect. So “bombs away”! The Mexican ruling elite NEEDS illegal immigration into the USA. The number one reason is that monetary remittances from Mexicans living in America is Mexico’s largest source of revenue. Number two, and just as important, is that the porous border serves as a vital social safety valve in that it allows dissatisfied Mexicans (and there are obviously a lot of them) flee to the USA. If the Mexican malcontents could not flee to America there would probably be a civil war there. One even worse than the war with the drug cartels Mexico already has. One that would threaten the position of the country’s ruling elite. An elite that has manged to hold its power over an impoverished country for so long. Can’t have that!
Former Mexican President Vicente Fox says his nation will not pay for Donald Trump’s proposed border wall.“I declare – I’m not going to pay for that f—ing wall,” he told Fusion’s Jorge Ramos during an interview Thursday. “[Trump] should pay for it. He’s got the money.”
Remittances sent home by Mexicans working outside the country surpassed petroleum revenues in 2015 for the first time. There was a 4.75% increase in money sent from abroad, most of which comes from the U.S., to total US $24.8 billion last year, up from $23.6 billion in 2014, said the Bank of Mexico.An important factor in the increase in remittances is the jobs created by economic recovery in the U.S. Some 11 million Mexicans are believed to be living in the U.S. and many work in construction. Remittances, 97% of which are sent electronically, averaged $292 last year.We have reviewed Donald Trump’s border security and immigration proposals. Happily, he, and those who advise him, appear to be right over the target.Trump’s proposal carries: the border wall solution, the employment solution, the enforcement mechanisms of current law, and another angle that is strategically essential. “WESTERN UNION REMITTANCES” (Money Services Compliance):“Mexico must pay for the wall and, until they do, the United States will, among other things: impound all remittance payments derived from illegal wages; [page 2, paragraph 7]”
It would be nice to begin seeing us screw outsiders the way our Cuckservative and Liberal leadership has been screwing us over for the benefit of those outsiders for so many years now.
Everything is Yin and Yang. Push far enough one way, and you just increase how far the pendulum will swing back. Add in resource restriction, an increasing Misery Curve, and a skyrocketing Conservative Policy Mood, and it will really swing back.
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