Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Trump Has It Wrapped Up?

A political science professor who claims his statistical model has correctly predicted the results of every election in the last 104 years has forecast that the odds of Donald Trump becoming America’s next president currently range from 97 percent to 99 percent.
The professor is Helmut Norpoth of Stony Brook University, reports The Statesman, the campus newspaper at the public bastion on New York’s Long Island.
Specifically, Norpoth predicts that Trump has a 97 percent chance of beating Hillary Clinton and a 99 percent chance of beating Bernie Sanders.
The only chance the GOPe would have now is to unite behind Cruz, but the GOPe so hates conservatives, they will actually sacrifice their one chance at winning rather than associate with someone who supports conservatism.
I already liked Trump, but every time I hear the donor class try to cheer Rubio and drown out Trump at a debate, and every time I see Romney trying to snipe at him, I find it immensely satisfying to see Donald wipe the floor with them in a way Cruz never could.
They have no idea how they are uniting people behind Donald.

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