Thursday, March 3, 2016

Alpha Game: Doing their work for them

Every man has, at one point or another, dealt with a girl or a woman batting her eyelashes at him while asking for "help". Which, of course, is usually translated as "will you do my work for me?" Luke Stranahan considers what to do when faced with this at the office:
HR demographics are a rigged game. When equality is defined as an excuse to treat men horribly in an ill-considered attempt to balance out a fictitious dystopian vision of the past for women, it is clear that men will never receive fair treatment until significant change occurs. You have to protect yourself.

If you work with a typical female technical type who thinks she knows far more than she does, the best thing to do is to disengage completely. It’s not your battle, nor your responsibility, to make sure her stuff gets done. If she doesn’t ask for help, good; don’t allow her to profit off your expertise. If she does ask, tell her that you’re happy to help, but she needs to go through management to make sure they’re good with you spending time on it. This will probably get her to back off, as she was looking for you to freebie white knight for her while she could take the credit and not look stupid.

If you’re told to work with her, attempt to do so. If she rebuffs you (and she will), document this with your boss. “I offer to help every day, but she simply won’t listen.”
My advice is to simply treat them exactly the same way you would treat a man who asks for help. Since they don't actually want assistance or explanations, but the aforementioned freebies, that's usually sufficient to encourage them to go in search of easier targets.

Of course, I've got a lot of practice at it. As the only male class "brain", I was often targeted as potential "help" by girls from an early age. My answer was always the same, and it was always effective: "I don't even do my own homework, why on Earth would I do yours?"

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