Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Why is the Charlie Hebdo Assassination 100% in accordance with Islam

What would Jesus have done to someone who mocked him? What would Mohammed (Peace be upon him) have done to someone who mocked him? The video explains.
FYI, definitions of some of the Arabic Islamic terms used:
Sunna: The Path. The example of Mohammed ( Peace be upon him).
Hadith: the Habits or Traditions of Mohammed (Pbuh). Second and third person narratives/ stories of the life of the Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh), similar in nature to the Christian Gospels (meaning  “Good News” in old English , AKA “evangelica” in Greek, which also means “good news”).
Sira: biographies of the Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh), written after his death.
Qu’ran (AKA Koran or Qur'an al-karim – Holy Qu’ran): meaning the “recitations”. It is a collection of the sermons or revelations told to the Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) by Allah (God), often through the intermediary of the Angel “Gabril (AKA Gabriel).  There is no equivalent in Christianity, since Jesus did not keep a diary or write a manifesto. It is said by Muslims to be a miracle since although Mohammed (Pbuh) was illiterate he dictated the Holy Qu’ran to scribes using perfect grammar, syntax and in poetic verse. On the other hand Jesus is probably the most documented person who lived in the First Century AD since his life and ministry was acknowledged by many contemporary Roman, Greek and Jewish authors. Even Hindus, Zoroastrians (remember the three Magi, the astrologers, from the East?)  and Muslims for that matter. More written accounts of the life of Jesus even survived the ages as compared even to important historical figures such as Julius Cesare and Alexander the Great. The life and ministry of Mohammed (Pbuh), by contrast,  is only documented by Islamic sources.
Sura: A chapter (of the Holy Qu’ran).
Ummah: The Faithful. The worldwide community of Muslims.
Shia or Shiite: From the Party of Ali. Muslims who believe the at the leader of the Ummah, The Caliph, must be descended from the blood line of the Prophet, that is to say a descendent of his nephew Ali, since Mohammad (Pbuh) had no children (many wives, but no children). The Sunni (Path of the Prophet) Muslims by contrast believe that the Caliph should be chosen by consent of the Faithful. In historical practice this has meant whatever war lord or potentate appoints himself as such. That last recognized Caliph of Dar al Islam (the realm of Islam) was the “Sultan” ( an abstract Arabic word somewhat akin to “strongman” , ‘authority” or ‘”ruler”), i.e. the emperor of the Ottoman Turkish Empire that collapsed following World War I.
Assassin: from an Arabic word meaning the “Eaters of Hashish”. The assassins were originally a Shia terrorist cult that sought to dominate the Ummah during the Middle Ages through murder and intimidation, giving us the terms “assassination” and “assassin”. The original Assassins were exterminated by the Mongols.
Shirk: The sin of assigning partners to Allah. Basically heresy, the teaching of false religious doctrine. Mushrik: polytheism or paganism, the worst kind of shirk.
Kufr: the sin of disbelief in Islam. Kafir: a disbeliever in Islam, an infidel. Note: disbelief, heresy, blasphemy (insulting God or God’s Prophets or presuming to have the powers or attributes of a god) and apostasy (renouncing the  faith) are, under Islam, considered to be worse sins that even murder and robbery.
The Qur'an al-karim (meaning the Holy Recitations) says (what means):
(Allah ta'ala (God -Glorified and Exulted be He) never forgives shirk [all sorts of disbelief]. He forgives[all] sins [venial or grave] except shirk if He wills.) [An-Nisa' 48]
Islam: Surrender or Submission (to the will of Allah/ God).
Muslim: One who surrenders or submits (to the will of Allah/ God).
Isa (AKA Iesus /Jesus in Greek, ישוע‎ (Yeshua) or Joshua in Hebrew): In Islamic teaching, the Prophet Isa /Jesus preached Islam. He was not crucified but was assumed into heaven . He will return on Judgment Day and tell the world to burn all the Crosses and accept Islam. All other  scriptures that teach that Jesus is the Redeemer, the Messiah/ Meshiuk  or Christos (all words derived from the Hebrew and Greek meaning the “Anointed One”),  the Son of God, are, of course, regarded by the Muslims to be shirk / heresy.

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