Tuesday, January 13, 2015

John Kerry WILL go to Paris but only after US was shamed for snubbing rally of world leaders

I don’t get it. Six to seven years ago all these foreigners were telling us they were tired of the USA always acting like a bossy hegemon, “Leader of the Free World” and all that rot. Their attitude back then was that they didn’t need the U.S. Government telling them how they should  handle everything (if they wanted US help that is).  Now our foreign allies are acting disappointed that the USA IS NOT acting like a bossy hegemon, “Leader of the Free World” and all that rot. Go figure it?! Clearly our President, Barack Obama, is taking his noninterference, “lead from behind” policy a lot farther than the foreigners are comfortable with. Actually, back in 2008-2009 the European countries in particular had high hopes that President Obama would be a tame and cooperative U.S. President, one who would take advice and direction on foreign affairs from its European allies for a change (which is why they awarded him the Nobel Peace Prize in advance). The foreigners clearly DID NOT imagine that President Obama would be one who would seek to abandon the USA’s Post-WWII leadership position entirely and leave them all to their own devices! Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! Well get over it. International terrorism is naught but an internal police matter and the result of bad foreign policy (that’s what the Leftists both at home and abroad believe), so deal with it your own damn selves!

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