Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Safari Park Rules

Safari Park Rules- Don't get out of your car! Immigrant flees violence in Bosnia only to be murdered with a hammer in Saint Louis.

"Commenting on the murder of Zemir Begic on November 30 by hammer-wielding
"youths" in St. Louis, the Conservative Treehouse has adumbrated the Safari
Park Rules: if you find yourself "in the wrong place at the wrong time,"
stay in your car with the doors locked.  Otherwise, you could be an
accessory to your own murder.

Unfortunately, "the wrong place at the wrong time" can be a Chasidic
neighborhood in North Miami at 9:00 on a Saturday morning, as Rabbi Josef
Raksin discovered.  The rabbi was walking to temple last August when he was
murdered by a couple of African-Americans for being a Jew in public.

The Treehouse noted the fact, buried deep in a St. Louis Post-Dispatch
story, that Begic was not the first victim of Mike Brown's avengers.  An
hour earlier Seldin Dzananovich was attacked by "youths" with hammers.

Earlier in the day, Bob McCarty posted what appeared to be an authentic
video from an eyewitness, who reported the "youths" were yelling "F*** the
white people, kill the white people," before murdering Begic"

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