Saturday, November 22, 2014

Hagel says U.S. speeding up training of Iraqi forces

"Now, it is not good for the Christian's health to hustle the Aryan brown,For the Christian riles, and the Aryan smiles, and he weareth the Christiandown; And the end of the fight is a tombstone white, with the name of thelate deceased, And the epitaph drear: 'A fool lies here who tried to hustlethe East."'
-The Naulahka: A Story of West and East, 1892, by Rudyard Kipling, Chapter 5.
I wonder how SECDEF Hagel proposes to "accelerate" the training of Iraqi
Forces. The old expression "you can't push a rope" comes to mind. We should
have learned by now that Arab armies learn at their own speed, and their
speed is glacially slow compared to Western armies. There few incentives we
can provide that will speed that process up either. The USA is in a  similar
position to the one it was in with Vietnam in 1964: the good guys are losing
and can't build up their forces and improve fast enough to keep from being
defeated, consequently the only thing that is likely to buy them sufficient
time is to deploy U.S. ground troops to push back the enemy. Air power alone
won't do it especially in the piece meal and desultory fashion the USA and
its allies are employing it.

"We are to send young men to Iraq to train those who can't be trained, or
who have not been trained by others.  We just left behind hundreds of
millions of dollars in structures, weapons and armaments. "
"The US Military has been training Iraqis for several years.  Why more "training"?
"It is starting to feel and look like force feeding.  Train their military?
They have a military.  They have always had a military. We have been
training their military for almost five years.
When do the Iraqis train their own? When do they decide this is what they,
the Iraqis need to do?"

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