Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Biden announces US will grant refugee status to migrant children



This story flew under the radar, swamped by the Gruber videos earlier this
week. As far as an adjunct to the president's coming executive orders on
immigration, it makes perfect sense.

At a conference in Central America, Vice President Joe Biden announced that
the US would offer refugee status to some migrant children from Honduras, El
Salvadore, and Guatemala.

... What distinction do you think those desperately poor people are going to
make between who gets refugee status and who doesn't? All they know is if
they show up at the border, there's a good chance they won't be sent back.

If anything, this will almost certainly increase the number of kids at risk.
Those who are turned down for refugee status in their home countries, will
make the dangerous trip to the US anyway. No doubt they've heard stories
about their friends and family being released after surrendering at the
border, and being transported to places where they get free housing, free
schooling and free medical care.

This is irresponsible public policy with clear consequences that the
administration is ignoring. The coming border surge of illegal children will
make last summer's surge look tame by comparison.

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