Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Stuff Black People Don't Like - SBPDL: A Fact Matt Drudge Won't Touch: TSA Workforce is 42% Nonwhite (with Atlanta, NYC, DC, Chicago close to 100% nonwhite)

  An uncomfortable truth relating to the recent TSA slowdown at Atlanta and Chicago O’Hare airports. Well we all know by now that a major part of what the “security theater” provided by the Transportation Security Agency (TSA) is intended to accomplish is to show middle class white people what it’s like to be treated like a criminal.  Whites get to experience being frisked and ordered about by officious uniformed security personnel. An unaccustomed and generally humbling experience for many of them no doubt. Other than that nobody can point to an instance where the TSA actually prevented a terrorist attack. Now It’s actually making airports more attractive targets for terrorist attack by filling them full of stranded travelers for days at a time. The situation is bound to get worse during the coming summer travel season. In all fairness the airlines could help remedy the situation by making check-in luggage free and charging for carry-on bags so air travelers are not given the perverse incentive to slow down the whole security search and boarding process by trying to lug all kinds of carry-on bags unto the aircraft in order to avoid additional charges for extra check-in bags. Because clearly the TSA personal at some of the country’s busiest airports are overwhelmed and not able to deal effectively with the current workload. The TSA will not go away either because it has become another political patronage program for providing middle-class level jobs for minorities. Much like the commuter train and bus systems in many communities, as well as the toll road programs in many states. Just one part of the great redistribution of wealth that will transform the Land.


Matthew Drudge has declared war on the TSA.

If you've ever flown into Atlanta, New Orleans, New York City, Philadelphia, Chicago, Washington D.C., or Dallas, you might be under the impression the United States of America is a majority black nation.
Next time you fly to Atlanta, NYC, DC or Chicago, notice how black the TSA workforce is and play this game: Count the white TSA employees

There are virtually no white TSA agents (in Atlanta, the blackness of TSA is almost oppressive) at the airports in these cities, which makes the stories of huge waits/lines at the airports located here an obvious reminder of the declining positive experience one has when immersed in a world with a paucity of white employees. 

But, hey, let's celebrate diversity (as opposed to a positive customer service or the value/quality of the product they produce, which is normally how one rates a company)! [TSA Recognized for Diversity,, February 3, 2011]:
Three national magazines recognized TSA for its diversity in hiring practices. Recent editions of the Hispanic Network Magazine, the Black EOE Journal, and the Professional Woman’s Magazine featured TSA among other government and law enforcement agencies.
The 2010 Best of the Best issue of the Hispanic Network Magazine listed TSA among more than 150 government, academic, private and law enforcement groups, and DHS components, selected by its readers. The magazine also ranked TSA in two other categories, including the Top Diversity Employers for Hispanics and Top 50 Government & Law Enforcement Agencies for Hispanics.
The 2010 Yearbook issue of the Black EOE Journal and the 2010 Best of the Best issue of the Professional Woman’s Magazine both ranked TSA among other DHS components in its Top 50 Government & Law Enforcement Agencies for African Americans and Top 50 Government & Law Enforcement Agencies for Women, respectively. The Professional Woman’s Magazine also featured TSA in its two other lists, Top Diversity Employers for Women and Reader’s Choice, among approximately 150 private and government employers.
“TSA prides itself on the diversity of its workforce and we appreciate being recognized among other private, government and law enforcement agencies from across the country,” said Special Counselor Kimberly Walton.
As of 2011, the TSA workforce is made up of approximately 21 percent African Americans; nearly 15 percent Hispanics and just over 6 percent of other ethnicities, including American Indian, Asian, Native Hawaiian and others.
 As of February 2011, the TSA workforce was 42 percent nonwhite. Odds the workforce is close to 50 percent nonwhite today (not to mention the TSA workforce in cities like Chicago, Atlanta, Washington D.C., New York, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Houston and Dallas being close to 90 percent nonwhite)?

Well, let's just say it is one of the safest bets you could make.

C'mon Drudge: report this fact. 

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