Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Feds’ push for trans rights in US schools is simply insane


  So what’s going on? Is it part and parcel of the Obama Administration’s campaign to “transform” the country? Is this a ploy to distract attention from more serious problems threatening to explode soon? Is it that the Left just can’t resist the urge to “shock the squares”. Or is it all of the above?


Sheer lunacy: That’s the only way to describe the Obama administration’s decision to enforce the full “trans rights” agenda on the nation — in public accommodations, and in school bathrooms and locker rooms.
Yes, polite society in progressive precincts has embraced the idea that those with non-standard “gender identities” deserve the same protections as racial and other minorities.
But that idea surely never entered the mind of any lawmaker who voted for (or against!) the Civil Rights Act of 1964 or any of the other laws Team Obama is citing as authority for its actions.
And while Americans are good with “live and let live,” most will be outraged at Uncle Sam ordering their local school to let biological boys change in the girls’ high-school locker room.
Yet the Justice and Education departments on Friday sent out a letter directing schools to let every student use the “facilities” that fits his/her “identity.” In fact, Education officials had already pushed many schools to make the locker-room concession.
It’s madness: As a practical matter, administrators should figure out the best accommodation for their particular school, in their particular town. The right answer in Scarsdale won’t necessarily be the best solution for Newark.
Transgender folks are a minuscule minority; the question’s not even relevant to most of the country. It’s insane to put this issue atop the agenda when countless schools in this nation don’t even provide a decent education.
Look: The vast majority of Americans still see two sexes, male and female, with the differences obvious and biological. Most will humor the rare person who feels otherwise — and won’t be bullied to go any further.
Maybe the progressives will manage to re-educate us all into seeing things their way, but they’ve got a long, long way to go. Trying to force their views on everyone now is just begging for populist fury.
The more so, since the feds are starting with schools, when countless parents are already outraged at other ham-handed diktats from America’s elites.
Pull your social-engineering crap with your own damn kids, and leave ours alone.

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