Saturday, August 2, 2014

5 Ways Muslims Have Contributed to 'Building the Very Fabric of Our Nation

"Why did Columbus set sail? Because the fall of Constantinople to Jihadists
in 1453 closed the trade routes to the East."

Yeah! The USA might not exist had it not been for Muslim bellicosity.
Columbus was  looking for a route to the East, to the spice islands, India
and China. A route that circumvented the Turkish Empire and the other
hostile Muslim lands. Had Columbus known that an undiscovered continent was
in the way he might not have sailed due west like he did. After all ,
Columbus wanted to get rich from bringing back the treasures of the Orient
and selling them at high prices in European markets. He defiantly wasn't
looking for the "New World" .   America had nothing but wild people, bad
weather (hurricanes, tornadoes and blizzards, stuff not seen in the
Mediterranean) and Cannibals! Yes, cannibals; the Aztecs sacrificed an
estimated 20,000 people per year to their gods when Columbus sailed and ate
an unknown quantity of their flesh.

"From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli."

Further, we have militant Islam to thank for the existence of the United
States Marine Corps. If it had been for the attacks by the Muslim pirates
located on the north coast of Africa against US merchant ships, the U.S.
Government would probably not have thought it necessary to spend money so
that the U.S. Navy could have its own personal army.

By Epictetus

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