Friday, August 29, 2014

Obama Fails History 101-He believes history follows some predetermined course

FYI: Many of the American Left’s favorite philosophers , particularly Hagel and Marx, taught that history follows a predestined course. Particularly that capitalism was destined to become extinct and be replaced by socialism and eventually “true communism”, where money won’t be needed and the government will “wither away” because it too will  no longer be needed. Likewise, President Obama, being a Marxist revolutionary himself, believes in this “inevitability” of history as well. Being a Marxist he believes in many things that aren’t true and have never been made to work anywhere. Nevertheless, like all other American Leftists he believes that the only reason communism hasn’t worked is because the “right people” haven’t tried it yet. The Russians tried it, but they were just too backwards and bumbling to make a go of it, bless their hearts. So now it’s up to the American Left to give it a try. They are the people they have been waiting for.

As VDH points out President Obama is also sloppy on the details of history. But that doesn’t matter, because since most Americans today know so little about their own history, he knows he can tell them anything he wants and they’ll have to believe it.

By Epictetus

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