Sunday, August 10, 2014

'Police officers will be mostly white for decades', UK official watchdog fears

Police organization blames budget cuts for recruitment problems
Public trust in police will be eroded if it does not represent community
Top officer claims: 'We will start to lose a degree of legitimacy'

Looks like the UK's Leftists have come to the conclusion that England is
"too white". I guess they will have to change the name from "England",
meaning Land of the Angles (long with the Saxons and the Jutes), to
"Multicultural-land". Apparently the ethnicity of the police force must
match the ethnicity of the neighborhood or else they it lacks legitimacy.
The various neighborhoods will need their own courts and judges as well.
That worked for other countries, many of which have long since fragmented
into many separate independent countries, didn't it?! Anyway to paraphrase
what Margret Thatcher famously observed, just because it sounds ridiculous
doesn't mean the Leftists are not serious about wanting to accomplish it.

By Epictetus

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