Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Ban Flights From West Africa To Fight Ebola

http://www.dickmorris.com/ban-flights-west-africa-fight-ebola-dick-morris-tv -lunch-alert/?utm_source=dmreports&utm_medium=dmreports&utm_campaign=dmreports

It will never happen though because it makes too much sense. A central tenant of Political Correctness is that you can never do anything to directly protect America's interests. It would be considered "imperialistic" for our government to promote the safety  and survival of American citizens and institutions over  those of other countries or peoples. Therefore America must be left exposed to terrorist attack, financial loss and disease epidemic. The only exceptions are during elections, when elected leaders must pretend to pander to the concerns and values of the common people (who for some reason refuse to accept their punishment and expect the government to protect the country and its citizens from dangerous foreign incursions of any and every sort) and when making an exaggerated show of protecting the country will actually serve to further harm its interests and to vex and inconvenience its citizens.

By Epictetus

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