Monday, December 21, 2015

Why didn't He think of that?

Good point. Our modern divorce laws are designed to protect women from being abandoned and left destitute by their husbands. But times have changed and women don’t need to be protected like they did back in the Jesus’ day. Now it’s the other way around: men need to be protected from predatory wives who would divorce them for frivolous resasons and leave THEM impoverished. Of course the secular Left (which always includes feminsists) supports whatever suits their trasnformationl agenda, so while they believe that Christianity needs to change it’s rules regarding homosexuality to the point of allowing same sex couples to marry, they don’t want to see any changes to divorce laws and customs that favor women over men.

Just before Naghmeh Sabedini reiterated her charges of abuse against her persecuted husband, Christian Today published:  Why evangelicals pray for persecuted pastors rather than battered women.*
Ed Cyzewski explains that God only hates divorce when it doesn’t come with cash and prizes:
It won’t serve us well to simply drop the teachings of Jesus on divorce into today’s context. At the time of Jesus, women had few rights, and Jewish men were permitted to divorce their wives for the slightest infraction, simply stating in public that they are now divorced. Women were then left destitute with few options to support themselves.
Where would these women live? How would they earn money? How would they arrange to have another marriage?
These concerns, that are quite foreign to us, were at the forefront of Jesus’ teaching (see Matthew 19:1-9). When he limited divorce to marital unfaithfulness, he was intending to primarily limit the men, not the women. Jesus didn’t provide a timeless template. He was providing a culturally recognisable protection for women. The clear implications of Jesus’ teaching on marriage in his context are that the safety and well-being of women is a top priority because a divorced woman in his day was highly vulnerable.

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