Thursday, August 27, 2015

“Date-onomics” - Why educated women can't find dates | Dr. Helen Smith

From the Washington Post:For many women these days, it’s not “He’s just not that into you” that’s the problem. It’s that “There aren’t enough of him.” So says Jon Birger, the author of a new book called “Date-onomics: How Dating Became a Lopsided Numbers Game.” The book, which Birger describes as “the least romantic book ever written about dati…
There is not much mention of the hostile environment that colleges have become for men and how they are now finishing schools for women. Many men have decided that college is not a welcoming place and that has to play into why men have left in droves. The comments to the article are interesting, particularly this one:
1:33 PM EDT
So what happens to these women when faced with the scarcity of targets? Do they poach from each other?

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