Thursday, August 20, 2015

Automation: Robot Restaurants Are Accelerated by Excessive Wage Demands | VDARE

Talk about shooting yourself in the foot: fast-food workers have not been paying attention to what is happening in their industry — that automation is coming on strong — and their ignorance is about to bite them. Business owners have looked at worker demands for $15/hourversus the cost of burger-making robots, and the machines will likely be brought in sooner than they would have otherwise. This development was obvious and predicted earlier.
The brief video below quotes Alexandros Vardakostas, the creator of the robot hamburger maker, who remarked, “The device isn’t meant to make employees more efficient, it’s meant to completely remove the need for them altogether.”
It’s criminal that left-wing activists have sold out the workers over unrealistic pay raises. Seattle required local wages be $15 and small businesses have closed as a result. Doubling the minimum wage will do that.
Teen unemployment is bad and getting worse because of immigration, automation and now crazy wage demands causing more rapid entry of smart machines into the workplace. Youth unemployment keeps young people from getting the first step on the jobs ladder because of the rapidly changing workplace and ignorant reactions to those changes.
The article below provides a brief history of how fast food became less hands-on over decades, requiring fewer workers. The fast-food industry employs millions now, but is on the verge of downsizing considerably.
And remember, the chainsaw reduction of jobs caused by automation is only beginning. The technology is expanding in ways that are hard toimagine. Oxford University researchers estimate that 47 percent of US jobs are at risk for some form of automation by 2033.
Further immigration is therefore unnecessary and unwise. We will need every single one of those remaining jobs for Americans.

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