Sunday, July 19, 2015

4 Reasons Why You Should Never Accept An Unpaid Internship

Is it a scam or an opportunity to learn. I suppose it depends on what the job is and what you will be taught: i.e. what kind of experience or accreditation you will gain. What we know for certain is that all employers are looking for employees who have past work experience in the exact type of position the they are currently hiring for , AND the in this economy< employer are ONLY hiring those prospects who have past experience in the position for which they are currently hiring. Given that the national economy as a whole is not expanding most employers do not willing to spend money and time training new prospects. The don’t think it worth it given who many prospects with prior experience their are seeking work today. In the past people often paid to work for nothing just to gain experience, but there was no doubt in their mind that the experience they would gain was valuable and would lead to job sooner rather than later. Now this not so certain given state of the national economy and the hiring rules imposed on business by government at every level. This puts the whole “unpaid internship” phenomenon in a more realistic light. 

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