We’re importing illegal immigrants to commit the crimes Americans won’t commit.
“American women are about to realize American men were the best they ever had it”
The massive amount of child rape [was most outrageous to Coulter]. Child rape, gang rape, incest rape, and particularly for an American. I mean, American women are about to realize American men were the best they ever had it. As I say in the book, even continental Europeans can’t compete. In de Tocqueville, writing about America, he commented on how women are treated with such respect and honor, and no crime is visited with greater severity of sanction then rape in this new country of America — contrasting America’s treatment of rape so severely unfavorable with that in France.
Meanwhile, I mean part of the reason I concentrated on it is they’re just kind of arresting, keep-you-up-all-night stories … but also we have just lived through the last four or five years of the media trying to put on this conceptual art piece trying to persuade Americans that “white American men: huge gang-rapists, fraternities, lacrosse teams, the military.” And one after another all of them turn out to be hoaxes. But at the very same time, this same media is hiding shocking case of gang rape, child rape, incest rape, concubinage.
That Indian in San Francisco Lakireddy Bali Reddy, importing the 12-year-old girls from India whom he had bought from their parents for sex. And that story — I mean it’s the one thing when I came across — it wasn’t broken by the media, it was broken by a high school journalism class … It’s I think quite a breathtaking story. And I asked a lot of my friends about it who follow the news pretty closely, some of them more closely than I do. The fact that none of them knew about that case, that tells you, that story by itself tells you how the media is in overdrive to hide the downside of mass immigration from the Third World. We will hear about every immigrant who wins a spelling bee, but we will not hear about the massive uptick in child rape, gang rape, incest rape, drunk driving, the trashing of our national parks, pesticides being dumped within a few miles of the world’s tallest tree. Peasant cultures don’t have a lot of respect for the environment — they have no concept of litter … Mexico is farther along then many of the peasant cultures we’re bringing in, and Mexico is still in the slash and burn stage of capitalism.
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