The Leftists want us all to forget the that the Klu Klux Klan were Democrats.
Two black males showed up outside a Donald Trump rally this week. They were dressed in makeshift Klan robes and hoods.
The apparent objective was to convince Americans that Trump and the Klan are one and the same.
Once the black males were outed as frauds, the black media scrambled to excuse them: It was "satire," they said.
The irony is that Bernie Sanders was video recorded hugging a robe-and-hooded supporter at one of his campaign rallies. No one batted an eye. The reason? The robe-and-hooded person Sanders was hugging was a Muslim.
For the record: Islam is the world's largest, oldest, and deadliest hate group. Since 9-11/2001 Islam has committed 27,880 terrorist attacks. In that same time the Klan has committed zero terror attacks.
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