Thursday, September 24, 2015

“Refugees” Are Breaking Into Europe In Search Of…White Supremacy!

If you hope for your kids to live well, you want them living under white supremacy—in a country built by and governed by whites, preferably by northwest Europeans, most preferably by the British.
And that’s exactly what people are doing. Everyone’s dream worldwide is to live in a country built by and governed by northwest-European whites. You can curl your lip all you like when you say “white supremacy,” but the truth is, white supremacy’s awfully popular with the wretched of the earth.
You even see something similar within the borders of the U.S.A. Remember Black Separatism? It was alive and well as late as the 1980s. Louis Farrakhan urged American blacks to start their own companies, build their own factories, stop depending on the white man for stuff. [THE KEY TO SUCCESS? Do for Self, by Louis Farrakhan, Final Call, Vol 1. No. 4]
Independence! Self-support! Turn your back on the white devil and his works—look to your black brothers and sisters!
That didn’t work out any better than independence for European colonies did. Black Americans today are more dependent on whites than ever.
Black American revolutionary Stokely Carmichael settled in the West African nation of Guinea in 1968 and lived there until he died thirty years later. Can you imagine a black American leader doing that nowadays? Jesse? Al? Ta-Nehisi?It’s unthinkable.
Why uproot yourself and move to some trashcan country when you can live in ease and luxury milking white guilt right here in the U.S.A.? Why go to the trouble of building your own factory, when Whitey will build one for you, if you scare him enough and guilt-trip him enough?
This decades-long trend I’m describing is despair—the death of hope. But there’s also a sort of cynical throwing-up of hands, saying something like: “Ah, screw it, my people are never going to make any decent showing by ourselves. Let’s settle for living off the white man’s bounty.”
The wretched of the earth—Muslims, blacks, American Indians, Pacific Islanders—have settled into dependency—or, if you don’t mind really plain speaking: parasitism.
They’ve tried independence and self-support, and it didn’t work out. So, live off the white man’s benevolence. If you don’t have the good fortune to live in a white country, just break into one.
That’s been happening in the U.S. since the disastrous 1965 Immigration Act. It’s what’s happening in Europe now.

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