Monday, March 16, 2015

The Perverse World of Planet Fitness

The country is changing… you better get with the program…or else.

Planet Fitness has commanded headlines over the last few days for its decision to revoke Yvette Cormier’s membership after she complained about the presence of a male in the female dressing room, who “sincerely identifies" as a female. The confused male prefers to be identified as Carlotta Sklodowska and reportedly only used the dressing room to hang up a coat and purse. Cormier was immediately taken aback by Sklodowska’s hulking presence which immediately identified him as, in fact, male.

Though chromosomes refuse to yield to the power of Obama’s edict, they are, none-the-less transformed by the voodoo of redefinition. What once existed as perversion is now ushered into the realm of common experience by the benevolent power of liberal politics. Benevolent, however, if you’re on the side of “fundamental transformation.” The old school marxists used to call this “revolution.” But, if you stand in opposition to the forces of “social justice,” meaning the destruction of the civil society and the Christian principles on which it is based, then you are subject to coercion by radical elements sponsored by and working in concert with an administration bent on dissolving the foundations of free enterprise and our constitutional republic.
Planet Fitness is just another soldier in the war on the civil society…

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