Thursday, March 19, 2015

A Canadian Bureaucrat Has A Prediction For Canada–All the Ethnic Conflict of Malaysia, None of the Sunshine

From the things are going to hell all over the place department…

I was reading your piece on Richmond, BC the other day, and I found it very amusing. I actually live in Ottawa, Canada (Canada’s capital) and work as a mid-level bureaucrat for the Canadian federal government (obviously I’m writing this email to you anonymously to hide my identity). Anyway, as a Canadian government employee who has access to lots of government data, I can indeed confirm that European-Canadians are headed for minority status very soon…
…Canada is starting to look less like any other country in the Americas, and more like Malaysia, with large Muslim and Chinese communities. Pretty soon Canada will be a country with essentially nothing in common with any other country, while The States will fit in nicely to the rest of the Americas. I actually envy the US. Latino culture looks a lot more fun than some monstrous hybrid of Chinese culture and Islam (plus snow and long winters!).
The funny thing is Canada has so many immigrants that we now have immigrants who are worried about other immigrants. I’ve seen Eastern European immigrants who are actually worried about ethnic conflict (“I never saw ethnic tension like this till I came to Canada…and I’m from the most violent region of Yugoslavia!”).
Many of the workers in my government agency are immigrants themselves, and have no intention of supporting any government that would keep their relatives out (you’d be shocked just how totally stacked with immigrants Canadian federal agencies have become).

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