Interesting. Shocking as well. Rush Limbaugh always said the George W. Bush was a Republican but not a Conservative; however, we clearly we didn’t know the half of it. We didn’t know how NOT Conservative the entire Bush clan really is. They have the same disdain for the conservative base of the Republican Party that liberal Democrats have.
Laura Bush, the former first lady, has hinted she would rather vote for Hillary Clinton than Donald Trump, saying she wants the next American president to be someone who cares about women in Afghanistan…“I want our next president – whoever he or she might be – to be somebody who is interested in women in Afghanistan and who will continue US policies… that we continue to do what we’re committed to do as a country,” she said, as she appeared on stage alongside her twin daughters Jenna and Barbara…Mrs Bush was also raised a Democrat but generally keeps her views to herself to avoid embarrassing her husband.Their daughter, Jenna, made a more sweeping criticism. She said it was hard to watch the 2016 election when she had a six-month-old baby at home.“I worry about her future,” she said. “You want smart, capable people to run but when it turns into this…”Her words were drowned out by thunderous applause.
It was obvious when the Bush’s embraced Bill Clinton that all along they had been exhibiting the same false exhibitions of phony compassion and fake morality so common to rabbits. If they were real conservatives, the story of Juanita Broaddrick would forever have forbidden association with Bill Clinton, let alone helping to rehabilitate his reputation.
Add in their history of promoting “moderate” and “compassionate” conservatism, their support for free immigration from third world countries, and the universal destruction of Conservatism that has followed their Presidencies, and it is clear that no Bush could ever be trusted within the movement again by anyone but a GOPe shill.
Still, it is interesting to see even that even their families view real conservatives with the exact same derision that liberals view us with. There literally is no difference. Women like these rarely seek conflict by taking views which directly contravene their men’s views, or those of their family. Jenna isn’t rebelling against the ideas of her parents, nor is Laura saying things which would disappoint George W. These are the views their men hold.
Having voted for W twice in the general, I can’t say I see another option I wish had exercised. But I do recognize that while I did my best to limit the damage to the country from leftism, the liberals of the GOPe did manage to tool me.
It is nice to have at least the possibility of some payback in this cycle.
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