Friday, April 1, 2016

California Releases Confidential Student Database Files

Looks like the mythical “permanent record” has become a reality.


Millions of public school students will soon have their personal information and school records handed over to a nonprofit community organization.
The Concerned Parents Association fought for the data in federal district court and won over the objections of the California Department of Education. SDUSD Alerts Parents to Student Info Release.
The nonprofit said it needs the information to see if California schools are violating the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and other related laws. The database it will have access to includes all information on children, kindergarten through high school, who are attending or have attended a California school at any time since Jan. 1, 2008.
The database contain students’ names, social security numbers, home addresses, course information, behavior and discipline information, progress reports, mental health and medical information, along with suspensions, expulsions and more.
Imagine, your child’s complete records, turned over to an ACORN-like organization, complete with medical records, grades, and disciplinary records.
Now these community organizers (which are fishing for any grounds for a lawsuit) will have seed files on every student in the California system, including mental heath data. Notice how when it comes to the release of data to liberals, HIPPA patient privacy concerns do not apply in this modern age.
I’m sure they will maintain that these files are only to be used for innocent purposes, but I’ll bet these files will be mirrored and squirreled away privately for use elsewhere by somebody in that ACORN-like organization. Imagine if any Republican politician from California in the future had their full school records, including any mental health issues and disciplinary records, available to the SEIU on demand.
Liberals understand the power of intelligence and intelligence operations, because they offer the prospect of easily acquired power at no cost. Combined with their willingness to corrupt government agencies to their purposes, and their proven ability to leverage data into votes using computer technology, this is a real threat to freedom.
In a way, one of the big advantages to Apocalypse will be the reduction in free resources to devote to the centralization and amassing of databases on individuals. When everyone is scrambling for their lives, hopefully few will have the resources or ability to devote themselves to this type of activity.

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