Monday, March 28, 2016

Why Are Millenniel Men Such 'Wimps'? Take-Two

“Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength.” - Eric Hoffer

Sailer's Law of Female Journalism: “The most heartfelt articles by female journalists tend to be demands that social values be overturned in order that, come the Revolution, the journalist herself will be considered hotter-looking.”

  Dr. Helen is right! Quit picking on Millennial men! I have overheard these same sort of “where are all the decent men” rants time and again for over 40 years now. They always come from the same sort of woman too: a “strong” (i.e. loud and abrasive) woman who is dismayed and disappointed the she is not being approached by wealthy, powerful, attractive men with high sexual market value (SMV); suitors of the sort to which she imagines she is entitled.  Instead she is consistently approached by men she regards as social inferiors and/or otherwise unattractive in some regard. Young men who do not have an abundance of their own money and must use a “parent’s credit card” to buy expensive drinks it would seem. It’s not that men in the aggregate aren’t “manning up”, it’s that the men she wants aren’t interested in her. The woman’s irritation at this circumstance is merely a manifestation of frustrated “female hypergamy”, the innate desire to marry up socially, as well as “cognitive dissonance”, a refusal to except a reality that contradicts one’s own beliefs. The fact is the “invisible hand” of the sexual free market passed its objective judgement on the ranter’s own market value and has decided that she is not all that and a bag of chips. The “decent” (hot) men aren’t interested; she is not in their league. So her choices are to either improve her own SMV to the point that she becomes attractive to the high value men or accept the reality that the lower value suitors are indeed in her league. Yeah, we get it that you really wanted to get into the major leagues, but the minors are as far as you’re going to go, and that ain’t bad.  Shaking your fist at the heavens and railing vociferously against the unfairness of the human condition will change nothing.


Why use a man's parent's credit card for drinks and complain that men are the problem?

Michael Walsh has a post here at PJM asking this question and linking to a political commentator at the Blaze who wondered the same thing:
Tomi Lahren, a 23-year-old political commentator for The Blaze, ended her show by raising the following question:
“Is it just me, or have men gotten really soft these days?”
She goes on:
“This has nothing to do with sexuality. It has to do with the helplessness of today’s young men. It seems few can change a light bulb let alone fix a flat tire or change oil, and that makes for pretty slim pickings for the females out there looking for a match.
Chivalry is all but dead, and so is manliness. And by the way, wearing a flannel shirt and having a beard doesn’t make you a man if you still can’t change a tire and are scared of the dark. It seems like millennial men either don’t have jobs or are still using their parents’ credit cards to buy us drinks at the bar…
So whose fault is it? Is it our fault, ladies? Are we getting too strong? Nah, I don’t buy that. See, a real man knows how to handle a strong woman, so this isn’t our problem. Maybe it’s the way boys are raised these days: fatherless homes and no male role models. It’s hard to learn how to be a man with no man around.”
“Please teach your sons to be men, because the women of the world are tired of the boys.”
As if this tired analysis isn't enough, Walsh adds the real kicker:"You go, girl!" Yeah, that will really inspire the men of America to "man up" and become real men.
This response to men from women like Tomi Lahren, who complain that men are no good these days (and who deny any responsibility while apparently being willing to use a man's parent's credit card for drinks!) and men like Walsh who encourage this woman's narcissistic reaction without understanding or caring about the misandric legal and political cultureand how it affects young men these days is the real problem.

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