Tuesday, November 24, 2015

No, There's Not a Massive Exodus of Illegals - The Rush Limbaugh Show


RUSH:Remember the news last week from the Pew Research Center claiming they had data saying that more Mexicans were leaving the country than arriving and that it was, therefore, nothing to worry about anymore? 

RUSH: Another See, I Told You So.  Remember the news last week from the Pew Research Center claiming they had data saying that more Mexicans were leaving the country than arriving and that it was, therefore, nothing to worry about anymore?  Illegal immigration, we have a net loss here, essentially, because, yes, while there are a certain number of Mexicans and others arriving across the southern border, more are leaving.  And my extraordinary memory kicked into gear, and I said, "You know, it seems like I've heard this story before, like back in 2012."  It seems like every presidential election year I recall from recent times hearing news like this.  And that it turns out to be not true, and it's just made up to limit the damage and kind of take the illegal immigration table down a notch or two so that it doesn't engender such turnout. 
Well, right here I have data.  Daniel Horowitz at ConservativeReview.com: "Appallingly Dishonest Pew Study on Immigration Trend from Mexico -- If you want to know the depths of dishonesty and obfuscation the liberal elite employ in order to distort the reality on any given issue, take a look at this Pew research report on immigration from Mexico.  Pew claims that migration from Mexico is down to such a point that there is net out-migration -- that is to say more Mexicans in America have died or gone back home than returned," or are coming.
"Media outlets, from The Hill and Politico to the Washington Post and Wall Street Journal, are breathlessly promoting the headline of this report as if it reflected the truth of the moment.  Their broader message was: 'See, the right wing nuts are going crazy about a border crisis when, in reality, there is zero net migration from Mexico.'  The one problem? Pew was using old data from 2009-2014."
I was more right than I knew.  They were recycling the same news that they used in 2012.  They just repackaged it and updated it, and they added a couple of years, taking us to 2014, making it look like they had brand-new news which confirmed, but of course they didn't reference the same story they did back in 2012.  It was only my memory.  But obviously Horowitz here at the Conservative Review had the same memory jog. 
And he says, "There is nothing new about this.  Pew has been reporting on a number of occasions that in light of the recession a number of illegal immigrants from Mexico returned home."  Now, the problem with this is, of course, that there isn't a recession, if you listen to Obama.  If you listen to Obama and the Democrats, we're in a robust recovery.  Why, what's the unemployment rate now, 5%, 5.1%.  If you listen to the Regime they are hyping all these new jobs that have been created.  Well, if you didn't know any better, you'd think that we're smoking.  And if you don't have a job, it's not because of anybody's fault than yours.  You're just not on the bandwagon.  You haven't gotten on the gravy train 'cause, man, we're smoking out there.  Where are you? 
Of course that's not true.  We have 94 million Americans not working.  The unemployment rate really is 11 or 12% or maybe higher.  There is no economic recovery and so there's no reason for Mexicans to be going home because the economy is so bad, except that it is bad and Mexicans aren't going home.  Every premise in this story is phony. 
"Pew has been reporting on a number of occasions that in light of the recession a number of illegal immigrants from Mexico returned home.  But guess what?  As we reported several months ago, according to the most up-to-date census data, based on the Current Population Survey (CPS), there has been a massive spike in net migration from Mexico." It's actually up and everybody knows this. 
Amidst news stories day after day about all the arrivals flooding the Southern border, Pew wants to tell us that even with that more are returning home, but there aren't any pictures of that. Have you ever seen any pictures of Mexicans leaving?  Or not just Mexicans, any illegal immigrant leaving, you don't see the pictures of it.  Isn't happening.  Some, maybe, but it's not mass like they're trying to point out here. 
But the Census Bureau just nukes the Pew Research Center data.  That's right.  "There's been a massive spike in net migration from Mexico since 2014, precisely after Obama and the Gang of Eight began encouraging illegal immigration in a number of ways.   The fact that 80 percent of illegal immigrants are now officially shielded from deportation and most others are unlikely to ever encounter resistance has clearly contributed to the surge," of new migrants.  "Intelligence reports based on interviews of illegal aliens bear out the growing perception that our policies incentivize illegal immigration. Yet, Pew was dishonest enough to report this data as if it reflects the current reality, even though the current trend portends a political dynamic completely the opposite of that which they are trying to implant in the media cycle."
And they'll succeed, with the Post having picked it up and the New York Times shortly, and Politico, just like this phony Trump story, it's not gonna be long before wherever you look that more Mexicans are leaving than arriving.  It's nothing to see here, and it isn't any big deal, and so you don't even need to worry about electing somebody's gonna deport 'em 'cause they're deporting themselves, don't sweat it. They're trying to take it off the table because they know it's a big turnout issue.  So it's an effort to suppress Republican turnout and a number of other things. 
But as Mr. Horowitz writes here, "The Pew report proves every premise of the border hawks.  The fact that some illegal aliens returned home following the recession demonstrates how the false choice between amnesty and mass deportation is a straw-man argument.  Mere passive economic disincentives from a recession were strong enough to entice illegal immigrants to repatriate.  Imagine the effects of cutting off welfare and education benefits, jobs, and unqualified birthright citizenship?"
This has been the point that we've been making.  You don't need to deport a bunch of people. They'll go home on their own once you start enforcing current immigration law.  This is the big point I think that's overlooked in this immigration debate every time it's brought up.  There is this incessant need for Washington to do something, we've got to do something, it's a crisis, we've gotta do something, comprehensive immigration reform.  No.  All we need to do is enforce the laws already on the books.  It's already illegal to emigrate here illegally.  Enforce every other law attached and you won't have to deport anybody, because then you really will have a net reduction in immigration.  You eliminate the reasons, you know, all of them, those that want to come for work, not allowed to be hired.  Those that want to come get in a safety net of a hammock, not gonna have the payments for it.  It's simple.  The law is already there, or I should say the laws are already there.  And the fact that they're there and being ignored proves that all of this is nothing more than a political issue for both parties, in their own ways trying to increase their own power at the ballot box. 
And for the Republican side, find a way to get cheaper employees in certain kinds of work.  Anyway, I just wanted to point it out, folks, 'cause it's all BS.  There is not a net loss of immigrants in the United States.  They're coming here in numbers continually greater than those who are deporting.  

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