Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Will Hillary Go Down Like Nixon? Watergate Journalist: "What's On Emails? Probably Not Pretty"

Hillary will go down ONLY if the Leftist controlled news demands her ouster and hounds her into withdrawing her candidacy with a constant drum beat of public disapproval, just like they hectored Nixon into resigning. And they did not have nearly as much dirt on Nixon as they have on Hillary. However (and this is very important), Nixon was shamed into resigning, while Hillary and Bill have NO shame! They have demonstrated this over and over again. As long as Hillary has the approval of the majority of the media she still has a fighting chance. After all, the Republicans are deathly afraid of media disapproval, so there is NO political will to prosecute her. So regardless of what violations of the law Hillary is implicated in, she will likely become our next President just on pure hutzpah.

Is Hillary being set up for the greatest fail of her entire career?

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